Nuorten Palvelu ry in English

Nuorten Palvelu ry is a national, politically independent youth work organization in Finland. We support young people in their everyday lives and promote their well-being. Our aim is that every young person has someone who listens and cares.

Nuorten Palvelu was founded in 1969 and throughout our 50 year history, we have focused on ensuring that young people are able to live balanced, healthy, and self-determined lives in safe environments and communities.

Our office is located in Kuopio. We also have member organizations around the country.


Volunteer, professional and development work play a central role in our activities which include ways to:

  • maintain and improve the everyday well-being of young people
  • prevent social exclusion of young people
  • reach young people who are in danger of social exclusion
  • help young people who suffer from loneliness and feel left out of the community.


Nuorten Palvelu has been a pioneer in developing new forms of outreach youth work in Finland, and we continue to create and develop new tools and methods for youth work.

Our work consists of:

  • supporting and activating young people to volunteer
  • supporting young people and their families in situations where extra support is needed
  • promoting healthy lifestyles and a sense of community
  • operating as an umbrella organization for local organizations that arrange activities for young people
  • influencing and lobbying on matters that concern young people with fewer opportunities.


Nuorten Palvelu has three main areas of focus:

  • Nuorten reviireillä, youth work in commercial spaces such as shopping centres
  • Zemppari, volunteer activity to promote young people’s everyday well-being
  • Meidän kylän nuoret, reach and support young people who are outside of services and communities, who are lonely or otherwise in challenging life situations


Nuorten Palvelu ry
Vuorikatu 26 B., 6 krs.
70100 Kuopio


Y-tunnus 0292537-3